Monday, April 19, 2010

Achoo! Allergy Season is upon us!

This time of year brings in many patients with environmental allergies. Symptoms of itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, fatigue, and even brain fog increase for many people in the springtime. The good news is there are ways to handle allergies without medications so you can still enjoy spring-time flowers!

An allergy is any type of inflammation caused by an unusual sensitivity to a foreign substance.

It is important to realize that allergies are a reflection of an impaired immune system that is unable to adapt to outside stressors. Allergies almost always coincide with a scattered state of the nervous and immune systems and are often made worse by anything that promotes inflammation (swelling). When you combine a compromised immune system with excess inflammation, substances in your environment, food, or chemicals, can stimulate an inflammatory cascade. The best way to reduce allergic reactions is to identify the underlying cause instead of just treating symptoms alone.

It is best to prevent your body from reacting by doing the following:
1) Identify the allergen and reduce your exposure to it.

Allergist usually perform a scratch test or prick test to determine if you have IgE mediated allergies which are most accurate to detect inhaled allergens. However, environmental allergies can be exacerbated by underlying food allergies or “sensitivities,” which usually result in more subtle symptoms and are more difficult to identify without comprehensive testing. A simple ELISA blood test of IgG antibodies can determine if you have food sensitivities to a variety of foods. Another quick and cost-effective way to identify allergies is to see a doctor who specializes in energetic testing (Applied Kinesiology).
If you identify environmental allergens (dust, mold, pollen etc.) a simple option to reduce your exposure is an air purifier. Other changes within the home include purchasing special bedding to prevent dust mites, consider installing hardwood floors instead of carpeting, using “Hepa” air and vacuum filters, using a face/nose mask to vacuum, or having another individual clean the house at least 1x/week. If you are allergic to mold, you should fix any water leakage first and then eliminate all traces of mold in the house and run a dehumidifier.

2) Decrease Inflammation

Inflammatory foods include sugar, fruit juices, white flour, refined grains, commercial milk, soy, corn, trans-fats and pro-inflammatory oils (corn, soybean, canola, safflower oils, etc.). Interestingly enough, these are also common foods that trigger food sensitivities/allergies. These toxins should be replaced by anti-inflammatory foods such as organic fruits, vegetables and omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fish, fish oil, and flaxseed oil. If you find it difficult to include these foods in your diet, you should supplement your diet with whole food supplements. These dietary changes will reduce overall inflammation within your body and reduce the inflammatory cascade related to allergies.

3) Strengthen your immune and nervous systems.

You can balance a “scattered” nervous system by getting your nervous system checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic to detect and correct any nerve interference that may be decreasing your immune system potential. Patients with allergies often find their allergies reduce significantly just with chiropractic care alone. Additionally, getting enough sleep and proper low-impact exercise can also help your body adapt to damaging stress. Positive mental imagery and meditation can also reduce the negative effects of stress.
I have also found that allergies stem from a liver that is sluggish or under-functioning. The liver should convert air-born particles (mold, dust, pollen) into harmless substances and excrete them through the bowel or urine. If the liver is sluggish or toxic, the body will find other ways to push these allergens out of the body. The nasal sinuses, lungs, eyes, and even the skin become the solution to the liver issue. Patients often find relief when we support the liver with whole food supplements which include kale, brussel sprouts, and beets; and combine this support with homeopathic remedies.

Enjoy spring this year and make your entire body healthier in the process! Correct the underlying cause.

Dr. Jennah Dieter, Chiropractor & Clinical Nutritionist at Healthcare Complete offers chiropractic, nutrition testing & Advanced Allergy Clearing Technique. Complimentary consults available when you mention this article. Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical treatment. For attention to your individualized health problems please contact a health care provider directly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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